We use cookies to provide an effective service and evaluate it's performance in order to improve your user experience. By clicking "Accept", you agree to the use of all cookies.
Cookies Policy
COOKIES POLICY "We use and third-party cookies to improve our services and show advertising related to their preferences by analyzing their browsing habits. If you continue to browse , consider that acceptable for use . You can change the settings or get more information here . " ( BUT THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEVELOPED AND HAVE MADE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR SITE , HAVING TO APPEAR AS ONE BOX MARKING VERIFICATION REQUIRED ( FOR ONLINE PURCHASES AND RESERVES ) , AND ACROSS THE INFORMATION SYSTEM CALLED BY LAYERS CONSISTING Mostra ESSENTIAL INFORMATION WHEN ACCESSING THE SITE OR APPLICATION . THIS INFORMATION provided through FORMAT TO BE VISIBLE TO YOU AND TO BE KEPT TO PERFORM USER ACTION REQUIRED FOR OBTAINING CONSENT , EJ . FOLLOW NAVIGATING THE WEB ) First: CONCEPT OF COOKIES A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the computer / smartphone / tablet user to access certain web pages to store and retrieve information about the navigation is made from that computer. Technically , cookies are arbitrary pieces of data defined by the web server and sent to the browser . The browser returns to the server unchanged , reflecting a state ( memory of previous events) in the HTTP transactions that otherwise would be independent of the state. Without cookies, each request for a web page or a component of a site would be an isolated event , unrelated to other requests from other pages on the same site . But returning a cookie to the web server , the browser provides the server a means to relate the application of the current page with requests for previous pages. Besides being defined by a web server, cookies can also be defined by a script in a language like JavaScript if it is supported and enabled on the web browser. Cookies specifications suggest that browsers should support a minimum number of cookies or a minimum amount of memory to store . Specifically , it is expected that a browser is capable of storing at least 300 cookies 4 kilobytes each, and at least 20 cookies per server or domain . The server sets the cookie can specify a deletion date , in which case the cookie will be removed on that date. A shopping site might want to help potential customers remember the things he had in his shopping cart even if they close the browser without making a purchase and return later to avoid having to search for new products . In that case , the server would create cookie deletion date as desired by the designer of the website. If a deletion date is not set, the cookie is deleted when the user closes their browser. Therefore, set a date of deletion is a way to make the cookie survive across sessions. For this reason, dated erase cookies are called persistent. To learn more about cookies , we suggest that you can access the following link : http://www.iabspain.net/privacidadeninternet/usuario . Second COOKIES USING THE WEBSITE In this website the following cookies that are detailed in the following table ( insert COOKIES SOME EXAMPLES OF DIFFERENT STANDARD , BUT THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY THE DEVELOPED AND HAVE MADE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR WEB ) : YOUR COOKIES
Nielsen Analytics SiteCensus ( Nielsen [ * ] ) Number of visits , pages visited sections or time navigation , sites visited before entering this site , details of the browsers used statistical reports on website traffic , its total audience and the audience in a given ad campaign Adobe - Omniture Analytics -
adobe Sites visited and time spent browsing , web leading to the site , searches performed statistical reports on how users find the site, how they use it and if it works properly
Third: DISABLING COOKIES The information collected through these cookies , relative to the user's computer may be combined with your personal data only if you are registered on this site . The user may , at any time , choose which cookies you want to work on this website by and can disable Cookies: • browser settings , eg CHROME from http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647 EXPLORER from http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9 FIREFOX from http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we SAFARI from http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042 • systems regarding specific opt -out cookie in question ( these systems can lead to install on your computer a cookie " reject " to work off his choice ) or • other third-party tools available online , allowing users to detect cookies on each Web site you visit and deactivation manage (eg Ghostery : http://www.ghostery.com/privacy-statement , http : / / www.ghostery.com / faq ) .
Fourth : CHANGES IN POLICY COOKIES We may update the Policy Cookies from our Site, and we recommend you review this policy whenever you visit our Web site in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies .